Thursday, June 29, 2017

How to Make Money Working from Home this Summer…And Look Gorgeous While Doing It

*This is a guest post by Libby Kontranowski.

Ahhh, summer. The season of carefree days, starry nights, and . . . spending a bunch of money!

Between family vacations, trips to the ice cream shop, and major money throwdowns at the farmers’ market, by the end of summer your wallet may end up looking like it’s found the best-kept diet secret of all time. And I think we can all agree our wallets are the last thing we want to be skinny, amiright?

So, how can you have all the summer fun that’s meant to be had, but still keep your finances in check? And maybe even make some extra bank? And maaaaybe even make some amazing friends, try some amazing products, and look totally fabulous and put-together every single day?

How to Make Money Working from Home this Summer...And Look Gorgeous While Doing It

Enter SeneGence International , a work-from-home opportunity created to allow women (and men) to live life in abundance.

How to make money working from home this summer

Look Great

Sure, summer is the season of ponytails and tinted moisturizers, but there’s no reason you can’t pull together your warm-weather look with an incredible lip color that lasts all. Day. Long.

How to make money working from home this summer

LipSense is one of SeneGence’s most popular products and women cannot get enough of this stuff. Kiss-proof, waterproof, and smudge-proof, this lip color (not a stain) lasts from 4 to 18 (yes, 18!) hours without budging. It can handle any ice cream or Slurpee run you throw at it. The formula is non-drying and, when paired with one of the gorgeous glosses, can actually improve the condition of your lips.

You—and your girlfriends, sister, mother, aunt, neighbors, bank teller, etc.—can navigate your way through steamy days, swimming pools, and s’mores by the bonfire without being a slave to your lipstick.

How to make money working from home this summer

Make Money

We all know that sharing is caring, right? What could be better than sharing an incredible product with other women and getting paid to do so? Not much!

How to make money working from home this summer

Think about it: when you share on social media how much you love a certain restaurant, does the restaurant owner run over and hand you a certificate for a free meal? When somebody asks you where you got your cute flip-flops, does that store send out a customer-service person to hand you a five-dollar bill? When you recommend a movie to another mom, do the actors, producers, or directors come and thank you with a wad of cash? No, they don’t!

But in the direct sales world, women are rewarded handsomely for sharing products with other women. SeneGence International is no exception. In fact, there are women retiring early from their “real” jobs on the regular because they’ve earned enough from their SeneGence business to focus solely on that. Some have even retired their husbands. The income potential is unlimited, as are the opportunities for advancement and personal satisfaction.

Bringin’ in the Cheddah

How do you make money selling a product like LipSense (or any of SeneGence’s incredible skin care or color cosmetics products)? By opening your mouth and sharing, of course!

When you sign up as a SeneGence distributor , you’re immediately able to place orders. You order product from the company at a 20%-50% discount (discount percentage is based on the amount of product you order), and then you sell the product at full retail price. The difference is your profit. That means that for every $55 LipSense Starter Collection you sell a friend or your mail lady, you can earn from $11 to $27.50!

You can earn additional income by mentoring other women to do the same thing. This is called “sponsoring” and it’s a wonderful way to meet new women, support them in their efforts to become financially free, and dramatically increase your own earnings. Beginning with your very first team member, you’ll earn a percentage of their sales . . . and it goes on and on. The sky truly is the limit here. The more fun you have with the business, the more contagious your enthusiasm will be, and the more women will flock to you because they want what you’ve got, too!

SeneGence International also rewards distributors with product, jewelry, cars, and family-friendly trips. Who can get down with that? Raise your hands!

How Do I Start?

By now, you’re envisioning yourself on the patio, with your smartphone or laptop, sharing lipstick that lasts with all your lady friends while your kids play merrily in your own yard instead of at a daycare. You may not consider yourself the “sales type” but you know a great product when you see one and you’re happy to share it with your friends because you know it’ll make their lives better too. So . . . you’re ready to make your move and join the SeneGence International family. Where do you begin?

Easy! I’m here to help you with that. As your sponsor, I pledge to make sure you get all the training and support you need to work your business at any level you’d like, for “dabbling hobbyist” to “this is my million-dollar ticket!” My team is growing quickly and my arms are open, ready to welcome you in. Simply head to this link: , then click on “Click here to sign up now” and enter 382440 in the field that asks for Sponsor’s Distributor ID Number. Make sure my name, Liberty Kontranowski, shows up and follow the rest of the prompts. I’ll get an immediate email that you’ve been added to the team, then I’ll reach out right away and get you on your path to Lipstick Lady Awesomeness.

Have More Questions?

You can find me here:

Facebook: @LipCliqueBossBabe
Instagram: PurdyandWordy

I look forward to welcoming you onto this Crazy Lippy Train! It’s the opportunity of a lifetime and one that will open you and your family up to more greatness than you could’ve known. Let’s goooooooo!

The post How to Make Money Working from Home this Summer…And Look Gorgeous While Doing It appeared first on Mom Fabulous.

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