Friday, October 6, 2017

Why I Believe I Feel Healthier Than I Have in Years

This is a sponsored post written by me on behalf of INVIA. All opinions are 100% mine.

Just a little over a year ago, I was probably the unhealthiest I’ve ever been. I didn’t share that little tidbit of news with anyone but tried to keep it as secret as possible. What you saw on the outside, was not what I was feeling on the inside at all. I got really good at pasting on a smile and answering friends’ ‘How are you?’ questions with ‘Great!’ and ‘So so busy’ and ‘I’m good!’

But I wasn’t great, so so busy or good. I was a wreck.

I had gained weight.

I was suffering from several migraines a week.

I was taking a daily medication for those migraines that made me depressed as heck.

I was tired 24/7.

I was grumpy.

I isolated myself.

Can you relate?

It was in January of this year that the idea to sell our house, buy an RV and travel the U.S. and Canada came to me in the shower. (Where ALL my brilliant ideas come from. Yours too?) Four months later, we had moved in and hit the road.

A bit extreme? Yes. Exhilarating? YES!

Fast forward to today and I feel healthier than I have in a very, very long time. 

Recently I sent out a survey to my newsletter peeps (If you’re not on my email list, you can join here) and the first question I asked was ‘What has been your biggest source of stress this year?’ and some of your answers had me crying. I was blown away at how much you poured out and what some of you are going through.

Without a doubt, the answer I received the most was that your biggest frustration was your health. You just don’t feel good physically or emotionally. And let me tell you, I know exactly how you feel because I was there. Oh was I ever there.

Now, I know not everyone can or wants to move into an RV or travel full-time. Obviously, part of me feeling healthier has to do with that. But I believe what’s really resulted in me feeling healthier than I have in years, are the lifestyle changes I made. Lifestyle changes I could have done anywhere.

And here’s what they are…

Why I Believe I Feel Healthier Than I Have in Years

Get outside and soak up some Vitamin D

Spending time outside is crucial to your health. But we both know that right?! It’s just making an effort to do it that seems hard. 

There are so many things that lure us inside and keep us there. There’s work so we can pay the bills. There’s housework and dinner that needs to be made. There’s TV and Netflix. There’s the soft comfy couch and bed.

Since I work from home, going outside became a real issue. I didn’t have to get out and get my kids to school. My husband was doing the grocery shopping, so I didn’t have to do that. I stopped going to coffee with friends. And because I wasn’t getting outside, it was affecting everything: my mood, my energy, my health. 

But now I’m outside every single day and I love it.

Just making a concentrated effort to step away from your desk and sit outside or to get up off the couch and go for a walk around the block, can make such a huge difference. 

Get up and move

Speaking of getting up and going for a walk, getting up and moving, even for 15 minutes can have a profound effect on how you feel. 

It’s easy to get trapped in this vicious cycle of no exercise, which then makes us tired, which then makes us not want to exercise. Taking that first step (literally) and going for a walk or a small hike on a Saturday morning, can break that cycle. How great would it be to get to the point where you look forward to getting up and getting some exercise?

And don’t make exercise so hard on yourself! You don’t have to join a gym or purchase some expensive contraption for your home. Find something that’s easy and that you enjoy and start with that.

For me, it’s hiking and exploring. I get real bored, real fast with my gym membership. It’s just not for me and that’s okay.

You really are what you eat and drink

So, because you’re not getting some much-needed sunlight and exercise, you’re tired all the time. This low energy leads to junk food cravings and a complete lack of motivation to prepare healthy meals. Which leads to your body not being fueled properly. Which then leads to you not feeling well at all.

And the cycle starts all over the next day. Sound familiar?

In my post about my five not-so-secret secrets to getting stuff done, I told you about INVIA. It’s a mental performance supplement that’s making a huge difference in my ability to focus and get stuff done. I’m seriously a super-fan now and I don’t say that lightly. I carry the little packets around with me and add them to my water whenever I want.

Not only does it taste amazing (and I am very picky…just ask my family), but it can help replace your coffee and sodas you’re drinking all day. I used to have several cups of coffee a day and now when the two o’clock crash starts to come around, I mix up my INVIA . Which means I’m drinking more water, while also adding vitamins E, B6 and B12 to my diet. INVIA contains 100% of the daily value of these vitamins.

Don’t forget to use the code “FAB50” for 50% off your first order!

So it’s good for you, it’s convenient, it tastes great, it has zero calories and it’s helping me focus. What’s not to love?

I’ve also been following Leo Babauta’s Simple Health Plan:

1. Eat a crapton of vegetables.
2. Do something active and fun every day.

Instead of trying to adhere to a diet or certain way of eating, I’ve just added a ‘crapton’ of vegetables to my diet. Now I actually crave them. Weird right?

Laugh and then laugh some more

I once had someone say to me ‘If you don’t have friends that make you belly laugh every once and awhile, then you need new friends.’ 

I couldn’t agree more.

We all have those people in our lives that suck everything out of us. Those friends we give and give and give of ourselves to and they never give back. Those friends who are manipulative. Those friends who drag us down to their level of negativity. Those friends we keep telling ourselves we’re going to stop hanging out with.

Do you have a friend or two who make you laugh? If not, find one. They’re out there and they can help make all the difference in your health.

So, here’s my simple health plan:

  1. Get outside
  2. Get up and move
  3. Eat well simply
  4. Laugh and then laugh some more

Are you ready to get healthier? You’ve got this.

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The post Why I Believe I Feel Healthier Than I Have in Years appeared first on Mom Fabulous.

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